Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007

A interview with Liyun, who has lived in Germany for 2 years

Interview (Sarah interviews Liyun)

1. When did you first come to Germany?

In 2004 (September).

2. What were your first impressions of Germany?

It was like another world to me, it was new to me, though I knew much about Germany. There were many new faces which were pretty foreign to me, and all of them looked the same. This new situation made me curious but nervous.

3. How did you feel when you first arrived?

I was so scared that I lost all my confidence, because I could not speak German well and I didn’t understand anything. So I would be really nervous when someone talked to me. I felt like a special case, because of my Asian looks. Most of the people stared at me and it made me sick. Moreover, I didn’t dare to go out without my mom, and on the other hand I felt like I was handicapped. At school I didn’t enjoy when my classmates tried to approach me to talk with me because of my bad German.

4. How do you feel now?

Well, I can speak German pretty well right now, I have no problem to talk to the people or buy something in a supermarket. Maybe I can’t speak German as well as my mother tongue, but I have no problem to live here. Now I am more confident and feel much better. Whether other people stare at me strangely or not, it doesn’t matter anymore.

5. Which of your original impressions from Germany have changed?

In fact nothing, because I had been to Germany two times, one was an exchange, the other time I was here on vacation. In China, I was at a German-Chinese private school learning German by German teachers since the first class. At that time I already knew much about Germany. Although all Germans look the same, they are really different.

6. Do you feel like a “German”?

No, definitely not, I feel like a whole Chinese. Well, I was born and I grew up in China with Chinese culture. I went to Chinese school. So I’ve never had any doubt about my identity.

7. How well has your family integrated?

Really well, because my mom studied and works in Germany, so she hasn’t any problems with the language. My father is German, they have mostly German friends and live with German culture, though sometimes we cook Chinese food and celebrate Chinese traditional festivals. Well I get always gifts for Christmas.

8. Have you had any experiences with racism?

No, never. People always stare at me curiously because of my Asian face, but I am used to it and I can understand it completely.

9. Well, everybody knows about the tragic events that happened in the USA about two weeks ago. The gunman was an Asian. How would you react, if your classmates suddenly were afraid of you because you are an Asian, too?

Well, I don’t think that my classmates would be afraid of me just because of such a case; it would be really absurd and childish. They know me, so they won’t fear that I could also kill them someday like Cho did. Everybody knows that he is an Asian, but they also know that he is a psycho, too. Just one Asian can’t stand for Asians all over the world. And I will try to make my classmates understand that they can trust me.

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