Montag, 23. April 2007

A video about Stereotype

Do you know that Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians are ethnic stereotypes of East Asians and Southeast Asians that are found in Western societies? These stereotypes have been collectively internalized by societies, and are manifested in media, literature, theatre and other creative expressions. They may account for real-life repercussions for Asian minority groups in daily interactions, current events, and government legislations. In addition to experiencing discrimination, Asians may experience stereotype threat, and may therefore be less likely to
engage in or may be less successful at activities in which Asians are stereotyped to perform poorly.

In many instances, Western media portrayals of Asians reflect the dominant Caucasian ideas of Asians rather than the actual customs and behaviours of the Asian people portrayed. These beliefs over generalize, stereotype, and undermine the true diversity of the Asian population. Many stereotypical and often contradictory characteristics that are imposed on Asians, like almost all stereotypes, have no empirical basis. Traits stereotypically attributed to Asians are very often oversimplified, exaggerated, over generalized or prejudiced. Some of these characteristics include, but are not limited to: being diligently studious and having an affinity for tedious workaholic jobs; having poor leadership and management ability, and lacking assertiveness; not being "well-rounded"; being submissive and feminine; having poor creativity skills; having superior academic abilities; being traditional, conservative, and not able to assimilate; speaking "broken" English with a heavy accent.

Also, in addition to the stereotypes ascribed generally to Asians, stereotypes specific to the various Asian nationalities exist as well.